Thursday, November 26, 2009
McKall's First Birthday!
Say Cheese
We had a little Batman and a little Ballerina this Halloween. It was so fun with Hayden because he really understood Halloween this year. The entire week he wore his costume to school, his party, around the house, and of course Halloween night.
We went to Boo at the Zoo -
and Hayden had a Halloween Party! He got to invite who ever he wanted, and he served his guests Mummy Dogs and tater tots!
Red Hot Baby
Hayden participated in his first organized team sport this year - soccer! His team was called the "Red Hots." All of his teammates were 3 years old, like Hayden, so it made for some entertaining games! He absolutely loved it and enjoyed playing with the other kids on his team.
Hayden mostly liked to run and chase the kids, so basically he wasn't really interested in playing the game! He would run up and down the field with a big ol' grin on his face loving every minute of it. He had an awesome coach who was very patient with the team. We are all excited for spring season!
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
I figured I better get caught up so I can post some recent pics! This year Hayden started Preschool! His teacher is Miss Annie - who happens to be a wonderful teacher. He goes on Mondays and Wednesdays and on Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays he asks if he gets to go to school that day! He loves it. Each week he learns a new letter and always comes home with fun activities he has done. He wears his "Cars" backpack, and I must say he looks so adorable with it on. He has lots of great friends there and is learning so much.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Castle
I love to go exploring at thrift shops. Mike however, does not, but one day I kindly persuaded him to stop into The Goodwill with me. He agreed, not because he wanted to, but because he loves me. Mike and Hayden took off to the toy area while McKall and I looked over the rest of the store. I was done and proceeded to find the boys. This is when I learned that Mike told Hayden he could pick any toy he wanted. I had to clarify...any toy? That is pretty dangerous when you are working with a three year old I tried to tell Mike. But, it didn't matter because Hayden was already on the hunt. Mike and I tried to jump in and find Hayden a toy that we approved of. He didn't like any of our ideas. He had found the castle. The dirty, broken, gross, old castle. Noooooooooo I pleaded. But, he was in love. I reluctantly agreed (because it was only $3.00). On the way out he found another toy. Bad Guy is the name Hayden gave him. I was so happy to be bringing Bad Guy home too. Hmmmmm.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
If you are cool, you like to roller skate
At least that is what Hayden and I think. We took Hayden roller skating and he is a pro. Ok, a pro for a three year old. It was so fun, and he did really good. The place was dead so it was perfect for Hayden to perfect his skating skills without the risk of getting ran over by a thirteen year old girl looking at a cute boy instead of paying attention to where she is going. I know this because I was a skating master when I was thirteen.
This says it all
"There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolate." - Linda Grayson
What would summer be without...
The Rodeo. The Caldwell Night Rodeo, to be exact. This is my typical attempt to capture a normal family picture of us. And here you see the typical result. Oh well!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
My note to Hayden
Sunday, July 12, 2009
4th of July!
We have had a tradition of going to Idaho Falls for the 4th, but we haven't gone for a few years, so we decided we better go this year. We had so much fun being with friends and having a good time. Elizabeth of course came prepared with red, white, and blue nail polish, so I painted McKall's toenails. Can you say cuteness. I love little toes.
We went to the greenbelt and fed the ducks, and looked at the river. Hayden was in Heaven.
My Girl
My baby girl isn't so little any more... she is about 71/2 months old. She is proudly sitting up on her own, and loving the freedom of being upright and playing with toys. She is rolling and scooting all over and will be crawling soon, I bet. She loves to eat food and is sitting like a big girl in the high chair feeding herself.
It is so fun every morning to pick out her outfits and dress her up. She has about a gazillion flower clips and bows for her hair!
She is also a Drama Queen already! She knows what she wants and if she doesn't get it she makes this face!
Monday, June 08, 2009
7 years!
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Camping with Daddy
Hayden and Mike recently went on a fathers and sons camp out together. Hayden was more than excited to go... it was all he could talk about! He was so anxious to use his new flashlight in the tent. I thought he looked adorable in this pic!
They loaded up the car and headed out.
Hayden's Buddy
Crazy Daddy
In April we took a little trip to Pocatello. We stayed with Mike's grandparents, and had a fun time. Hayden loved the horses in the backyard. He even fed them... it was so cute. We also got to see Mike's great grandma Lydia. She is so cute. I think it is really net that Hayden and McKall have a great-great grandma who is alive. McKall's middle name is after her. We also walked around ISU, where Mike and I went. We felt old looking at the students!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Just a warning that this is mostly me just rambling... I feel like I am so busy lately. I think having McKall attached to me at nearly all times of the day is contributing to that. I love it though. She is my little princess that does everything with me. Soon she will be so "grown up" like Hayden, so I am enjoying this time with her. We have been enjoying the nice weather and getting some yard work done. We made a huge-ola mistake last year when we took out huge flower beds and didn't put landscaping paper down because we thought we were going to move. Well that didn't happen, so now Mike is taking all of the rock out of the beds and putting landscaping paper down and putting the rocks back. Luckily we have found help with this job (we really need it!) We are also in the process of having a patio extension, fences finished, sprinkler work, and more, in our yard, so we are busy with that. I have started an ultra part time job - seems like more at times. I had an old co-worker approach me to see if I was interested in a job and I jokingly said to him that I would only go into work for two hours a week and work the rest from home - and he said ok. So, that has kept me a little busier, even though I am only working an average of 8-10 hours a week. Hayden is a busy body and loves to play with his friends. I thought I should post something since it has been a long time. We are alive and all doing great!