Monday, January 19, 2009

Little sicky

On Thursday in the middle of the night McKall woke up with a pretty high temperature so I took her to the ER to have her looked at. I honestly thought they were going to give her some Tylenol and send her home. However, they ended up taking blood, doing a urine sample, giving her a spinal tap, and an IV and told me she would need to be in the hospital for at least the next 48 hours while they were monitoring her and waiting for the test results. Because she is so little and was a bit dehydrated they had a difficult time getting the IV into her. After several attempts all over her body they finally got it in. I think that was the hardest part because she was so uncomfortable and I couldn't do anything for her. She ended up having a urinary tract infection and all of the other test came back normal. She still has to have some testing done after the antibiotics are done to test her kidneys, etc. to see if they can find a reason she got the infection. Everyone was so nice but we are glad to be home. I didn't sleep hardly at all while there. Any time I even got close some monitor would start beeping or they would be coming in to check her, etc. She is already feeling better, so that makes me happy. I feel bad because I had no idea she was even sick. Looking back I can see that she started being a little more fussy, but she is so mild tempered that her fussiness was nothing that I was even concerned about, just normal baby fussiness, so I thought. I am grateful that she got the fever because I still may not have known and it could have gotten worse.


Arin Rohrbach said...

That's so scary as a parent. I can't tell you how many times my kids ended up having an ear infection or something and I didn't see the signs until way later. It's especially hard when they are a baby. It's not like they can say he mom I feel like crap today. Logan was diagnosed with croupe a few weeks ago, and it was just so out of the blue. Good luck.

Crystal said...

I hope she gets feeling better soon. Your such a great mom.

Kristen said...

It is so hard when your baby is sick and to see them do all of those things to them. I am sorry that you had such a rough time. I hope that she is feeling better!

crazy lady said...

Wow! That's so scary when they get sick! And we always beat ourselves up about something we "should" have seen or done. Sounds to me like you did a fantastic job and everything turned out well. Whew!