Thursday, November 26, 2009
McKall's First Birthday!
Say Cheese
We had a little Batman and a little Ballerina this Halloween. It was so fun with Hayden because he really understood Halloween this year. The entire week he wore his costume to school, his party, around the house, and of course Halloween night.
We went to Boo at the Zoo -
and Hayden had a Halloween Party! He got to invite who ever he wanted, and he served his guests Mummy Dogs and tater tots!
Red Hot Baby
Hayden participated in his first organized team sport this year - soccer! His team was called the "Red Hots." All of his teammates were 3 years old, like Hayden, so it made for some entertaining games! He absolutely loved it and enjoyed playing with the other kids on his team.
Hayden mostly liked to run and chase the kids, so basically he wasn't really interested in playing the game! He would run up and down the field with a big ol' grin on his face loving every minute of it. He had an awesome coach who was very patient with the team. We are all excited for spring season!
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
I figured I better get caught up so I can post some recent pics! This year Hayden started Preschool! His teacher is Miss Annie - who happens to be a wonderful teacher. He goes on Mondays and Wednesdays and on Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays he asks if he gets to go to school that day! He loves it. Each week he learns a new letter and always comes home with fun activities he has done. He wears his "Cars" backpack, and I must say he looks so adorable with it on. He has lots of great friends there and is learning so much.